Saturday, November 13, 2010

Blog Stage Six

The journal that I wrote today is a response to my classmate—Zachary Waggoner’s post on Stage 5.
I read both his article and journal this morning. He published Dont Ask in his blog—Wake Up America.
Actually it was an argument about the military policy, “don’t ask, don’t tell.” This policy prohibits gays from serving openly in the military. Most students hoped that President Obama can stand out and take action with federal government to repeal this policy. However, the critics argued that reversing the policy could hurt the effectiveness of troops during war. As a result, there is still not a solution for this issue.

I strongly agreed with my colleague—Zachary’s opinion.  The U.S. national government should hurry up and repeal this policy. Also, I liked his excellent idea—“if a person is willing to fight and put their lives on the line for our country that person’s sexual orientation shouldn’t matter.” That is the main point and important reason that I believe our federal government should repeal this unfair policy.

In my opinion, there are 3 reasons why this policy still has not been repealed: 1) many national members worry about their voting status, 2) most people care about their fame and prestige, like Zachary said, “it can have a negative effect on the way people view that person.” 

In conclusion, this tough issue should be solved. Our government needs a strong leader who has an open-minded view and sensible( wise) judgment and  effective solving way to change this policy.

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