Saturday, November 27, 2010

Blog Stage Seven

Handguns for 18-Year-Olds is an article that I read this morning from the New York Times.  Although the author’s name was not published in this article, I believe that this article is credible and worth to read. In summary, the author made an argument about whether the idea—allowing young people between 18 and 20 years old to buy handguns and carry them concealed in public places is rational.

In order to maximize their profits and undermine public safety, the National Rifle Association supported this law suit (the idea). Believe it or not, last week, President Obama had barely nominated a new director, Andrew Traver, to deal with this issue. Since the N.R.A. had a big power,
Traver’s  action and intended purpose—associating with a police chief’s group to reduce the use of handguns on city streets did not make any sense.  This law suit challenges and contests a Texas law—setting 21 as the minimum age for carrying a concealed weapon.

In this article, the anonymous author strongly opposed this idea. I agree with this person. Setting 18 as the minimum age for carrying a concealed handguns is not rational. In my opinion, there are 3 reasons that I strongly believe that this way is absolutely wrong: 1) Increasing crime rate, 2) becoming more unsafe places (streets) 3) destroying many youths’ prospect (future).  According to F.B.I. crime data, young people who is between 18 and 21 years old has the highest violent crimes rate, such as gun violence, murder, nonnegligent homicides and manslaughters.  If this idea were passed, we can image how danger will be near us. Also, since these young people are under age 21, they are not mature. If they have the right to carry handgun, this way could destroy not only the safety of the schools but also the streets.  For example, if they use the gun to make a revenge or kill someone because of a stupid conflict or misunderstanding, this way could totally destroy the young individual’s future. Therefore, hand guns for 18-year-olds should be prohibited.  The N.R.A. should support the gun control and protect people’s safety.


  1. Response to Handguns for 18 Year Olds

    I had read a post titled Handguns for 18 Year Olds from my colleague Yan Xiong's blog. The article she had gotten was from the New York Times and was written by an anonymous author who strongly opposed allowing the age to carry a concealed weapon to be 18. Of course, the NRA supports this issue due to the fact that it would increase their profits, but they completely undermine the fact that it could cause a lot of fatal events.This law also challenges the Texas law of having to be at least 21 to carry a concealed weapon.

    In her post Ms. Xiong agrees with the author and states that if this law is carried through it would increase crime rates, destroy our youth's future, and create an increasing number of unsafe environments. She supports her opinion by stating the fact that most 18 year olds are not very mature and do not think about their actions. Considering this fact, she can assume that these young people may try to resolve a stupid conflict or misunderstanding by blowing someone's head off.

    I agree with both the author and Ms. Xiong. I think back to my high school senior class and I couldn't imagine what some of the kids i graduated with would do with a concealed weapon. Going to school would be, to say the least, scary. As a whole, I think she is also correct when she says that allowing people under 21 to carry handguns would create more crime and unsafe environments. Considering the fact that a lot of people who are over 21 are probably not responsible enough to carry a concealed weapon, I do not believe that lowering the age could do any good.

  2. My colleague Yan Xiong posted the blog Handguns for 18-Year-Olds. This blog talks about the idea of 18 year olds being able to carry handguns; she brings in a source from New York Times with an anonymous author who greatly opposes 18 year old having hand guns. My colleague agrees with this author that 18 year olds are too young to carry guns, and I agree.
    My colleague Yan Xoing makes three excellent point for why 18 year olds should not be allowed to carry handguns, "1) Increasing crime rate, 2) becoming more unsafe places (streets) 3) destroying many youths’ prospect (future)." I will be 18 in 2 months and a majority of my friends are already 18; I know that none of us should be allowed anywhere near a gun because we are not mature. We joke around way too much to be allowed to carry a weapon that could potentially kill someone.
    I also agree with Yan that we 18 years old get to worked up about nothing. We become so enraged over little petty issue, that carrying a gun would only make the situation worse. I also feel that it would be unfair for an 18 year old to be allowed to carry a gun, but they cannot drink alcohol. We would legally have the power to carry around something that could end a person's life in an instant, but if we had a sip of alcohol in our system, then we could be arrested. 18 year olds are too young and immature to be trusted with guns, and they should not pass a law to allow it.

  3. I agree with my colleague Yan Xiong's blog. Age 18 is a very irresponsible time to be holding a handgun. I see so many problem areas in the young adults society that it's impossible to see crime rates go up with this one. That makes a teenager think well I can't drink but I can go shoot someone. This article is very important because it shows how the young future would be in trouble. Ms. Xiong is very credible to this issue by stating that at this age a person is not fully mature.

    Just thinking about my experiences at that age and what I see now definitely makes me support this issue. I know that some kids are misguided at this point and not to mention there is a point where confusion hits the adolescence mark. I went through and speaking from experience, I believe that this would have a bad outcome.
