Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Creating an Embedded Link to Blogger

          This morning, I read an article from Times. The article, Are HIV Rates in Gay Men Really 'Out of Control'?, was written by  John Cloud. It is a good article that use comparisons,statistics, evidence, and examples to prove a truth: HIV rates in gay men  are not really out of control.
          In summary, two different kinds of paper-The Lancet Infectious Disease Paper & The BMC Infectious Diseases Paper informed readers only one truth: HIV transmission among young gay men has grown in Europe because of their bad habits, unprotected sex, and sharing disease. The two papers may get the false conclusion. However,the writer point out an significant point: the data in both two papers prove that HIV remains a problem among gay men, one that requires steady intervention, not outrageous language.
          In my opinion, the article is worth reading. It tells a misunderstanding about statistics. On the one hand,  I learned that  we should face some issues objectively, such as gay marriage, abortion, and so on. On the other hand,whether the HIV transmission rate is higher or lower than the previous years, everone living in the world should improve the knowledge and protection of this disease.

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